Shrewd, Petty, and Evil

Which Polyhedral Are You?

You are a four-sided die, a d4. Otherwise known as a tetrahedron, a “Caltrop”, or (to a lesser degree) “Ol’ Pointy”. This crap bores you, so I’ll get to the point. Others tend to see you as petty, conniving, manipulative, argumentative, defensive, greedy, and needlessly antagonistic. You see yourself as focused, effective, efficient, influencing, shrewd, tactical, and direct. Both points of view are in fact correct. You always know the best way to get things done, a fact that never wins sympathy with others. Whenever you manage to gain control of a situation, your solutions are swift and brutal. Unfortunately everyone else is convinced that granting you such power is, “a bad thing” and often conspire to keep it out of your hands. Such short-sighted fools!

Click here to take this silly quiz, too.

1 comment

  1. Hey Fleep! Nice blog, I’m impressed. 🙂 I’m a D8, myself, which I think should mean that I’m twice as antagonistic as you are, but alas it says only that I’m deep, dark and cynical, which I suppose is true.