- According to that CO2 calculator, I am responsible for 20 tons of CO2 emissions a year. #
- @wainbrave ALWAYS need hugs! @skydaddy Chocolate was just the trick – new cherry cordial kisses, yum.
- Well, that and dancing with old friends, even virtually, it’s a great pick me up.
- Anyone know of a holiday picture pose backdrop that includes poseballs for SL? #
- @aakelley Didn’t know you were on Twitter! Will see you at U of Cinci in a few hours!
- @hmason Yes, office folks have decided they want to do the company greeting card as avatars! #
- @hmason Was hoping to find a premade group photo shoot object with background and poseballs #
- Good grief I don’t have a single pose that doesn’t look SUPER feminine #
- Hmmm maybe wedding party pose packs would be the way to go… #
- In case you face the group photo prob too: http://shop.onrez.com/item/350877 #