- @rubaiyat Alt SL viewers? http://tinyurl.com/yrhpuh #
- Lordfly is lying. #
- laugh #
- Quite the jam session at Diva’s tonight, think half my twitter list is there. #
- @anayaixchel I like Flock’s features, but too many tabs and it gets sloooow #
- @Roxette_Wise Nice tutorial link, thx! http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2006/11/build.html #
- @Luscious1 Holy smokes, had your tweet notification off for some reason, thought you were silent! Doh! And np. 🙂 #
- Thx @jowyang, checking obama rally http://tinyurl.com/yw7cbm #
- @jowyang Who’s on stage right now? #
- Holy smokes the obama rally ustream is up to 1100 viewers. was 54 when I looked last. #
- @Veronique_L hihi! =) #
- Obama rally supposed to start soon http://tinyurl.com/2yward #
- Um, obama rally just went up by 700 viewers in about a minute. crazy. #
- @codebastard Don’t remind me and my headache. 😉 #
- 18 year old kid from s carolina playing stand by me on violin at obama rally, v.cute #
- @dizzybanjo I got the same message, had to create new acct. #
- Arrested Development playing the Obama rally now #
- Oprah says We all know these are dangerous times, we feel it, even if we’re watching dancin with the stars to forget it #
- Oprah just finishing, Obama about to speak http://tinyurl.com/2yward #
- I know this is a campaign speech, and the 1st I’ve watched, but Obama is doing a good job. Not too slogan-y, addressing Real Issues. #
- @Nexeus – @codebastard never sleeps, duh. #
- @ericrice Tried to log into Kaneva, someone took Fleep, install took forever, then it crashed. Boo. Hiss. #
This entry was posted on Sunday, December 9th, 2007 at 11:59 pm and is filed under Twitter.
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