Twitter Updates for 2007-12-18

  • Here’s the NPR story on the FISA bill, seriously people CALL YOUR SENATORS: #
  • No immunity for telecoms who conspired to spy on us, no to expansion of warrantless wiretapping powers! #
  • Cory goes to Google Worlds? Anyone have a link on that? #
  • Crap. Bush’s phone immunity demand wins initial Senate vote #
  • But wait! Senate delays government spying bill until January #
  • Now I’m confused, so what got voted on and what got delayed?? #
  • Anyone have a reliable citation for how much Blizzard made on WoW in the last year? #
  • You guys have to read this virtual worlds report, some of it is hee-larious. #
  • "What are your goals for next year, Mr. CEO?" "TO TAKE OVER THE WOOOOOORLD." #
  • @LPT Hehe, some of these responses sound very much like The Brain. 😉 #
  • @lyrlobo Wow, that looks like fun, can I be a stowaway? #
  • @hmason Hah! Great minds think alike. 🙂 #

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