Virtual Worlds Forecast 2008 Report

I’m reading the Virtual Worlds Management Industry Forecast 2008 whitepaper, see their website for details to get your own free copy, and so far the first thing that strikes me is that they took the replies from all of the respondents and apparently just pasted them all into a document without even making sure they were similarly formatted.

I guess I’m used to reading academic papers and research that uses anonymous or attributed quotes, rather than seeing exactly what so-and-so big wig from so-and-so company jotted down in an email one day. Some folks wrote formally, others seem almost offhand.

Definitely worth a read, just don’t expect it to look too much like a traditional “white paper”.


  1. That format also means that it’s not terribly useful – more data than information. I looked at it briefly and realized that it would be a lot of work to glean anything useful from the format 😉

  2. […] 2008 Add Virtual Worlds Management released an Industry Forecast whitepaper for 2008 today, see the previous post for details to get your own […]