Twitter Updates for 2008-03-08

  • @GwynethLlewelyn spotted big SL bug, go vote to fix it #
  • New favorite blog covering elder issues Time Goes By #
  • Woops wrong link! Time Goes By blog #
  • @scottmerrick I know, funny when "elder issues" don’t seem all that different from my issues. 😉 #
  • @kjarrett BlogHUD uses that feature to xpost snapshots to Flickr (and to blog if you set it) #
  • @burhop You have an OpnSim running? Been messing with SLoodle instead. #
  • @BarbaraKB LinkedIn = bridge between those who are really web2.0 and those who wannabe. 😉 #
  • @BarbaraKB (dare I say "just wannabes") #
  • Doing laundry, installing the RC so I can see this HTML on a prim action. Finally? #
  • @Prokofy Ack! That one again?! #

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