In about a month, the Connectivism & Connective Knowledge Course will begin. From the course wiki:
Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week course that will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. It will outline a connectivist understanding of educational systems of the future. George Siemens and Stephen Downes – the two leading figures on connectivism and connective knowledge – will co-facilitate this innovative and timely course. The course will run from September 7, 2008 to November 29, 2008 and will be fully delivered online.
Course Wiki:
Course Blog:
Course Tag: CCK08
I don’t know why, but I’m really excited about this. If you have any interest at all in the future of education, and how the internet and open courseware and social media is changing what education might potentially be (higher education in particular?), I’d invite you to sign up. It’s free, it’s completely up to you how much or how little you participate or connect, and I have a feeling that this will generate some really interesting conversations.
I don’t have formal training in learning theory, I’ve only taken a few grad level courses, and I’m a bit worried that it will be over my head, but I’m hopeful that there will be room in the course for people like me who have a sincere interest but haven’t yet gone through the grad school process or haven’t taken formal classes in some of the background concepts that will be used.
Here’s a podcast where the course facilitators talk about what led to the course being offered and what they expect/think/hope will happen.
If we can work it out, the Chilbo community will host and I’ll help facilitate a Second Life cohort of the course for synchronous weekly meetings. This will probably be limited to 50 participants or so, but if you’re really interested, let me know.
Tags: CCK08, Connectivism, Distance Learning, Education, George Siemens, Methods and Theories, Second Life, Stephen Downes, Wiki
I have attended a online session/class involving George Siemens before (a year or more ago? Just long enough for some details to be fuzzy). I recall that being a very worthwhile experience. So, I share your excitement at this opportunity. B^)
I’ll sign up soon after this, but would also be interested in your Second Life efforts related to it. I’m Sorcs Nolan in SL.
I’ve registered for the course and the SL cohort. Sadly it clashes with a really busy time for me but I’ll try to make as many sessions as I can.
[…] in an online course Back from vacation I’ve been catching up on several blogs. Reading Fleep’s Deep Thoughts I was reminded of a very remarkable course given online by George Siemens and Stephen Downes on […]
Thanks for reminding me of this course, Fleep .. what great news that you’ll help facilitate online meetings in SL!
Like Graham I’ve got a very busy schedule this fall, but I’ll attend and discuss as much as possible… Looking forward to meeting you all 🙂