Reconnecting with Connectivism (CCK09)

Sign Up for Connectivism & Connective Knowledge 2009!

Faithful readers may remember a series of posts last year about a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) I took called Connectivism & Connective Knowledge, taught by George Siemens and Stephen Downes through the University of Manitoba’s Extended Education program.

George and Stephen are offering the course again this year, and just like last year, it is completely free and open access to any and all who want to participate.   Here’s a brief course description blurb:

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week course that will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. It will outline a connectivist understanding of educational systems of the future.  The course will begin on September 14, 2009.

I highly recommend the experience to anyone involved in education in any capacity.   George and Stephen utilize the web, RSS, blogs, wikis, podcasts, tagging, and crowd sourced teaching and learning in a way I’ve never experienced in any other course I’ve ever taken, and the experience last year had a tremendous impact on my understanding of what a “course” is, is not, and what it CAN be in the future.  Sign up here to receive course information in preparation for this year’s course!

Connectivism Cohort in Second Life

Last year I facilitated the Connectivism Cohort in Second Life, an experience that also taught me quite a lot about using virtual worlds as a site for meeting, discussing, sharing, and building in the context of a MOOC like Connectivism & Connective Knowledge.  You can read more about my conclusions and experience as a facilitator (in addition to some stats about participation) in this post from last year CCK08 – Off the Wagon, But Not Off My Mind.

While I won’t have the time to be a main facilitator for a Second Life Cohort of the class this year, if someone is interested in taking this on, the Chilbo Community in Second Life can host the cohort’s meetings and work in the re-purposed Education Village.   The Connectivism Reading Room is still available for holding discussions, and the sandbox and houses/offices can be used again this year for anyone who wants to participate.

Interested in facilitating or using Second Life as part of the CCK09 class?  Let me know at and I’ll do my best to help!

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  1. Great to see you back online, Fleep. Your post inspires me to consider this course for the fall. Thanks for the nudge!

  2. […] Corcosman Voom asked about this year’s Connectivism Course being taught by George Siemens and Stephen Downs.  Last year the Chilbo Community hosted a Second Life cohort of the course, facilitated by Fleep.  This year Fleep’s RL schedule is too hectic to be a main facilitator, but she did volunteer the Education Village in Madhupak as a potential site if another SL facilitator steps up.   You can read more about this on Fleep’s blog at: […]

  3. […] year Fleep Tuque organized a Second Life cohort for this course, and we still have in the Chilbo community in Second […]

  4. […] Reconnecting with Connectivism (CCK09) ( […]

  5. I didn’t participate in Second Life activities during CCK08 because I had no idea how Second Life works. It would be really great if you could recommend an introductory url on second life that could be added to the course readings.