Better late than never – ipod touch

Though I confess the touch typing on the iPod touch is far slower and more annoying than on my LG Touch (which flips open to a nice qwerty keyboard), I must admit that I suddenly understand what all the rave is about with th iPhone and iPod touch. It truly is paradigm shifting to have access to mobile browsing that actually _works_.

I don’t know yet how annoying it will be when out of range of wifi, but considering all of the apps available that store content for offline browsing, from movies to games to podcasts to books tweets and more, at least you won’t be bored even if you are offline.

At the moment, im kicking myself for waiting so long and even more annoyed with apple for tying the iPhone to AT&T. This is really good tech and it’s a shame it’s limited to the AT&T network to have phone functionality. Fortunately, I discovered that the skype app turns even the iPod touch into a phone when you have wifi, so that’s something anyway.

Might post more as Iearn about the device and get a better feel for it, but suffice to say, my initial reaction is very impressed.

Posted from my iPod touch.


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