Twitter Updates for 2007-11-28

  • Australian Digital Futures Summit is back: #
  • Current speaker says by 2010, the US will run out of power to fuel our datacenters, energy is bigger threat than bandwidth to digital st … #
  • Ah he’s a Dell VP #
  • Storage is one of the fastest growing products on earth #
  • This is a good talk, recommend it! #
  • How do you generate a workface even capable of using the infrastructure we’re building effectively? Good question. #
  • @Frans LAUGH! I will hold you to that! #
  • @codebastard He may be talking about Dell data centers specifically with their current infrastructure, not sure. #
  • Yay, passion for education from the Dell guy! I’m with him on that. #
  • Really excellent point, not just a technology problem, or a bandwidth problem, it is as much an education and culture problem. #
  • @Robbie_Kiama That was the best presentation I’ve seen so far, glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 #
  • I have the hiccups and its driving me nuts. #
  • @newmediajim Reactee? #
  • @rubaiyat: Hah! That sounds familiar. 😉 #
  • SL and education friends, please welcome my good friend @slfarley!! Glad to see you here! 🙂 #

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