- audio griefers are so lame #
- Digg it! MySpace used to help students complete college paperwork: http://tinyurl.com/27w97a #
- Sneak peek at the Education Grid being announced at the Immersive Education summit at Harvard this week http://immersiveeducation.org/Ed … #
- Special Metanomics session on the new LL Banking policy will be on http://slcn.tv here shortly #
- SLCN reports internetz troubles at global crossing and AT&T, for audio only of metanomics session on LL banking see URL: #
- http://tinyurl.com/2eqs6n #
- Rough crowd at Metanomics, technical difficulties have turned the crown into angry mob. Ok hyperbole, but just barely. #
- Anyone in world that can take a tet call to ensure my mic is working? #
- @cigarjack In Second Life with the SL voice client. 🙂 #
- @cigarjack Thanks anyhow and when you are ready look me up. 🙂 #
- Thanks all for help with SL voice! You guys rock. 🙂 #
- Aww my mommy just made her first BlogHUD post. I am so proud. 🙂 #
- @meerkatje Don’t feel too bad it took me a while to discover replies too. 🙂 #
- @skydaddy I had to dl a different set of drivers from Logitech’s site for it to recognize my camera. #
This entry was posted on Thursday, January 10th, 2008 at 11:59 pm and is filed under Twitter.
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