Twitter Updates for 2007-10-15

  • Making a pot of coffee, contemplating the to-do-list, no panic about the 7 presentations this week. #
  • Listening to thanks to @cc_chapman #
  • Trying to schedule a presentation with a friend in Korea, the time difference is confusing me. #
  • Irritated with PPT, irritated with Exchange, irritated with Photoshop, mad at myself for saying yes too much. #
  • WHO in their right mind schedules 7 presentations in one week? WHat was wrong with me? Pardon while I freak out. #
  • Also, all these grant deadlines are looming large. And email is killing me. aieee. Ranting twittervent over. #
  • @spin No way it took this long for sellout, maybe we’re just hearing about it. #
  • @seanpercival Visited landmark spot in SL today, looks good! Mustv redone it since I was there last. #
  • Holy #$^%, Philip Rosedale responded to Scalar’s sculptie msg on sl-dev. Go Scalar! #
  • (I knew there would be benefit to letting him crash Chilbo all the darned time for his physics engine testing.) #

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