In the Reuters Auditorium in Second Life, waiting for the interview to begin with famed tech evangelist Robert Scoble from the World Economic Forum in Davos. Better known as The Scobleizer, his blog at is followed religiously by techheads and geeks.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Reuters using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Jan 08
Robert Scoble Interview from World Economic Forum
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-23
- @Prokofy Pretty funny considering Science Friday is still airing with a live SL component on SciLands #
- @poinky laugh, I’m surprised someone hasn’t made the Tshirt yet #
- @wmacphail I’m pretty sure the mobile will come, see bionic contacts #
- Darn, crashed #
- I missed capturing half the interview with Rosedale, but addlt edits added to blog #
- @kjarrett Sorry had to miss the session with the 2D mindmap, anywhere we can see it in world? #
- @kjarrett Thanks for info, will give Butch a ring. 🙂 #
Jan 08
Adam Reuters Interview with Philip Linden
Live on Reuters island in Second Life, Adam Reuters interviews SL CEO Philip Rosedale, currently discussing entrepreneurship. Philip disagrees that there is a PR strategy problem, and says that transparency is the way to go, but pre-discussion of policies may be more damaging than just announcing policy changes when they are made. He also suggests some sort of currency/billing changes by May 1st, but I missed that part of the conversation.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Reuters using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Additional edits post crashing, not sure if any of the other bloghud posts got sent:
Rosedale said the two things limiting SL growth is the stability of the system and people’s first experience with it, and that he wished they could go back in time and capture more of those people, but the one thing LL can’t control is what people find when they get in world – the people, the things users create, the things there are to do – and expects that as SL matures, more people will stay as more things are offered. (paraphrasing)
In response to a question from Adam Reuters, Rosedale says his purpose for attending the World Economic Forum is to serve as not just an evangelist, but also to explain that Second Life is fundamentally about the people, it’s not just an advertisement or a website, and that there are opportunities for entrepreneurship.
I missed the first half and then crashed, sorry for the lousy reporting! Hopefully Reuters will be doing a much better job, and Hank says to check their site for the schedule and more interviews coming up.
Some commentary:
Well that was hectic, thanks to iAlja for the tweet that brought me in world for the interview, sad to say I missed most of it because of Time Warner Cable’s flaky broadband connection at my house. Grrr. At some point in there, Adam Reuters remarked that in some ways, 2007 was the Year of Restrictions in Second Life, and Philip responded that it really made him sad every time they have to restrict behavior, and that despite these changes, SL is still an incredibly open platform.
Two thoughts about that, the first is that I can’t help but believe him when he says the restrictions make him sad. I’m always interested in the individual, the person, at the center of these zeitgeists, and I’m always listening for clues to Philip Rosedale the person, rather than Philip Rosedale the spokesperson in these PR stunts. The consummate professional never sounds really _human_ in my mind, humans admit to mistakes, humans recognize their stumbles, while talking heads and empty suits admit no error and promise an ever more perfect future. I don’t hear that from Rosedale, sure there is the evangelizing, but when he said the restrictions made him sad, that’s such a funny thing for a CEO to say. It sounds almost hokey, and that if anything makes me believe its sincerity.
The other thought is that I haven’t commented much on the restrictions and changes in Second Life, not because I don’t think they are important or controversial, but because it seems to me the issues are so incredibly complex, I’m still trying to figure out the implications for myself. The banking restrictions on their face make sense to me, that the company took a position to say hey, you can’t come in and claim you’re a bank and be completely unaccountable, that’s a good thing. Was this specific implementation a good thing? I have no idea, I’ll leave that up to those who consistently give good analysis of such things, like Aldon Huffhines and Beyers Sellers, but I do think _something_ needed to be done, and Philip’s presence at more events like the World Economic Forum will hopefully help better inform him of the options when considering these major policy changes in the future.
Jan 08
Filming at Reuters Island in SL
Michael Bigwig capturing footage at the conclusion of Philip Rosedale’s live interview with Reuters from the World Economic Forum.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Reuters using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Jan 08
“The people in Second Life aren’t worth reaching”
NPR’s Marketplace had a spot about the shrinking economy of the virtual world, including analysis by Marketer Mark Hughes, who says:
The people in Second Life, they aren’t worth reaching. It’s just a weird place. It’s never gonna catch on. It’s a fad, not a fashion at all.
Hear the full story at the Marketplace website.
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-22
- Prepping for SL Educator tour for OLN this afternoon. #
- Also, @sine922 says NPR Marketplace will have a segment about business slowing in SL this evening. #
- Cute lulz, work safe: #
Jan 08
“On Their Journeys” Immersive Art
The “On Their Journeys” immersive art installation by Strawberry Holiday is hosted on NMC Campus 9. You have to join the NMC Guests group to visit, but it is well worth the temporary group slot! Gorgeous colors, magical sounds, and a winding journey past amazing sights. Check it out!
posted by Fleep Tuque on NMC Campus 9 using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-21
- 3 dozen handmade samosas cooling, dishes washed, not catching up on feeds before bed. #
- @Frans Cool! Wondered if we broke a record yesterday, was looking forward to your report. 🙂 #
- Crashy crashy #
- SaLamander tool is really nifty, returns in-world results for locations based on topic! Nice! #
- @jambina Can pick up the SaLamander HUD at Wainbrave’s place in Chilbo: #
- @SReljic Not sure if those got included in the talk or not, but I saw them on the wiki! =) #
- @cogdog Dying to crack Dizzy’s secret, think we were close! 🙂 Glad Corwin IMd us, PARSEC is too cool. #
Jan 08
Federal Agencies in Virtual Worlds
Beyers Sellers of Cornell University interviews three guests to discuss the US Federal government’s involvement in virtual worlds, including Paulette Darkstone of National Defense University, Aimee Weber of Aimee Weber Studios, and Universa Vanalten from NASA. The main venue is full up but check the website for other partner locations to attend!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Muse Isle using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Jan 08
PARSEC with Educators!
w00t! Bringing in a group of educators to check out PARSEC for the first time. 🙂
posted by Fleep Tuque on InterSection using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]