Jan 08

Wainbrave Discusses SaLamander

At the NMC Teacher’s Buzz with Wainbrave Bernal discussing the SaLamander Project, a way for SL Educators to rank, rate, and cateogorize learning objects in the virtual world. Items tagged with the SaLamander tool and rated highly will be included in the MERLOT learning object repository. Cool!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Teaching 2 using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

Jan 08

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-20

  • Having the hardest time staying logged into SL the past couple days. #
  • I just cannot seem to stay logged into SL. It’s been 45 minutes and reboots and grrrrr. #
  • If anyone is at Filthy’s and see Sine Rennehan, that’s mi madre and she’s noob so pls be nice. Sent her a TP then crashed – again. #
  • @dizzybanjo So sorry I missed PARSEC!!! I couldn’t get into SL and then thought it was over! 🙁 #
  • Waves @PaleFire thanks for the link! Retweet: http://tinyurl.com/2ysmzc #
  • @kjarrett wow, what the theck is that, for HS?! nice! #
  • @moomoney Wow 5 yrs! Happy rezday! 🙂 #
  • @kjarrett I’ll say, that’s very impressive! Heck, I wanna go! 🙂 #
  • Phew! terrifically productive morning in SL, now off to have lunch with the family. #
  • Wow, just read about PARSEC, can’t wait to see it, NWN review at: http://tinyurl.com/2yah3z #
  • Anyone doing the Havok4 test? Have a friend who wants access to a Havok4 island if anyone can help #

Jan 08

Hanging out in Chilbo with SL for Dummies Author!

Typewriter Tackleberry stopped by to meet mi madre, Sine, and Chilbo neighbor Rachel, and talk about the SL for Dummies book which was SOLD OUT in two stores when I tried to pick up a copy this afternoon. Finally found one on the east side though, last one! Wainbrave dropped by briefly too, good night in Chilbo!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Chilbo using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

Jan 08

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-19

  • Just finished a great, long catch-up conversation with a good friend, had celebratory pizza, SLogging. #
  • Logged into SL, but underground, nothing loading. if I quit and go back do I lose all inventory offers? #
  • @Fumon Well that stinks. =( =( #
  • @RavenPhoenix @dizzybanjo Thanks, guess I’ll have to see what happens, TP didn’t work either. #
  • @Malarwen _SUPER_ buggy. #
  • Awake after a bad dream, looking for a script that when av touches a sphere, it bounces away #
  • Woke up with four kitties piled on me hours after the usual time, now drinking coffee and planning the day. #

Jan 08

Fleep & Sine Listen to Cylindrian

Listening to a live concert in-world with mi madre in avatar form! w00t!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Artropolis using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

Jan 08

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-18

  • Last minute obsessing/preparation for important presentation this morning, printing notes, stressing. Wish me luck! #
  • To all who sent luck this AM, THANK YOU! I think it went well and I am so relieved. =) #

Jan 08

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-17

Jan 08

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-16

  • Three presentations down, two to go, thinking about what worked well and what didn’t. Feeling exhausted. #

Jan 08

Fleep’s Avatar in Chicago?

Fleep's Avatar in Chicago

Nope, just attending a demo of Stephane’s Zugzwang’s Virtual Reality Room, which he is making available for free to educators! He also mentions a site that has a tutorial for making panoramic images: http://www.fromparis.com/html/technical_us_create_a_quicktime_vr_in_10mnts.php and a free software tool to stitch them together called Panotools at http://www.panotools.org/.

Jan 08

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-14

  • @hmason What level courses? Beginners? #
  • @hmason For true noobs, I really liked several of the Sitepoint guides, I have maybe 6 or 7 of them. http://www.sitepoint.com/books/ #
  • @hmason (They aren’t all beginner level books, but I really liked their beginner series) #