- Playing with new video camera, discovered can’t live broadcast with it? UGH?! #
- Getting ready for Robin’s interview with Metanomics today #
- Robin Harper speaking with Prof Robert Bloomfield today at Metanomics – http://metaversed.com/ #
- interview about to begin, will be streamed on http://slcn.tv for those who can’t come in-world. #
- Er, Robin Linden interview about to begin, twitter ate my sentence! #
- Robin Linden says LLs goal is to have all abandoned land reclaimed by end of Q1 #
- Robin Linden suggests that landowners who are collecting data should inform visitors, but no way to enforce that right now. #
- Re: groups, Robin says they are looking at ways to pay employees, market research, all kinds of addlt business tools. #
- @donovanpreston Thanks for correction, missed that! #
- Re Group limit increase, they are evaluating the impact on the system currently, but no time frame given. #
- Now discussing the idea of covenants on the mainland and shared trust-lists to codify behavior. #
- Biggest challenge facing Ll re institutional users is the different agendas of business and edus, platform vs entertainment space #
- LL is focused on prioritizing needs of these different constituencies, but are committed to keeping the mainland. #
- Robin says LL hoped JIRA would make proposals and bugs easier, but have found that it is too hard to use #
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-07
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-05
- Excellent reading, what have you changed your mind about? http://www.edge.org/q2008/q08_index.html #
- Anyone using Dapper that can show some good examples? http://www.dapper.net/ #
- Watching review of the Iowa Caucuses on Debate Porridge, thanks @LenEdgerly! http://tinyurl.com/328cvb #
- Looking for more Google Readers who share good content.. fleep513 #
- @IYan In Gmail, add as a new chat contact, when the other party confirms, you can share feeds with each other #
- Resisting the urge to post in all caps – how do I turn off these stupid twitter tips! I don’t like! #
- Thanks @derrickkwa, added to the twitter tip hating at http://tinyurl.com/2e43su #
- @SinTrenton Was just saying, a guy who doesn’t believe in evolution just won Repub Iowa caucus. Disgraceful. #
- @SinTrenton they append to short tweets in my IM scroll, or on your SMS msg #
- @SinTrenton Here is what Twitter Tips look like for me: http://tinyurl.com/yq8ad9 #
- Looks like a nifty tool for bloggers: http://kwout.com/ #
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-04
- @bryan Sometimes I miss following people back by mistake and see their @fleep and fix it. #
- @Douglas_Story OMG hi #
- @bryan laugh you may be right about that. =) #
- It’s a bad sign when I am too busy to twitter all day. I am never taking vacation again! Or maybe I should never come BACK from vacation. #
- @BucketJen Classic cold feet, just breathe! You’ll get through it ok. #
- Totally digging the gmail plug in for https://www.rememberthemilk.com/ #
- @GraceMcDunnough Looking forward to reading it, I’m pondering the same question #
- @Intellagirl So sorry I couldn’t come today! #
- What is this Twitter tip thing and how do I turn it off? #
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-03
- Not much new info, but pretty long overview of business in SL: http://tinyurl.com/yu65d6 #
- Still slogging through post holiday email, brain is feeling waterlogged and overloaded. #
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-02
- 254 post-vacation emails to answer, just shoot me. #
- @GraceMcDunnough An inworld site or freebie blog? #
- @intellagirl Muaha! Sincere apologies for spreading the cherry cordial kisses addiction. To be fair, I DID warn you. 😉 #
- DNA analysis for $1000? https://www.23andme.com/ourservice/ #
Jan 08
Awaiting Horizon Report 2008: No Virtual Worlds
Discovered this little nugget over on the Not Possible In Real Life site. The author talks about Second Life in 2008 with Larry Pixel aka Larry Johnson, CEO of the New Media Consortium (NMC), a big mover and shaker in the educational arena of Second Life, Forseti Svarog aka Giff Constable, COO of the Electric Sheep Company, and Seifert Surface, a brilliant mathematician who created the tesseract house.
If you’ve never heard of the Horizon Report, it is a collaborative annual report from the New Media Consortium and EDUCAUSE that surveys emerging technologies that will impact education in coming years, and I highly recommend it, especially for instructional designers and others involved in educational technology.
In any event, I’ve been looking forward to the 2008 report and spotted some surprising words from NMC CEO Larry Johnson in the interview:
Larry Pixel: NMC Virtual Worlds plans a big announcement after the first of the year. It will come out first in the NMC Campus Observer, about January 10th.
Also, the NMC’s highly influential Horizon Report (75,000+ copies downloaded or purchased in hard copy in 2007) will be released in late January. The contents of the 2008 report will be announced on the wiki next week.
Notably, this will be the first year since 2005 that some form of virtual worlds is not mentioned in the Horizon Report. I am not sure if that means it is now mainstream for edu, or if it is passe, but among my Real Life constituency, there are many many established projects, and many of these are clearly reaching mainstream faculty and other groups. Within the NMC, virtual worlds are still important, but are no longer considered the set of hot emerging technologies they once were.
I’d say the 2007 Horizon Report was a key piece of ammo for me when I first approached my dean about the possibility of using Second Life at the University of Cincinnati, and I wonder if its absence in this year’s report might be a blow to later coming faculty and IT staff who are making the virtual worlds pitch at their own institutions. Hopefully there are enough reports and data from other sources in 2007 to bolster their efforts, but I’m still surprised to hear that it won’t be included in the 2008 report.
It also means I’m even more anxious to see what the 2008 report _does_ hold. Will let you know when I find out!
Jan 08
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-01
- Ready to ring in the new year, 2007 wasn’t a terribly bad one but I’m done with it. #
- Twitter was one of the best things about 2007, so cheers to you all. =) #
- January 1,2008. I wonder how long it will take to remember the 8 at the end this year? #
- @MtnLaurel and @jjprojects Just got your msgs, here’s to tweeting in the new year! #
- @RavenPhoenix Me too, ugh. I’m trying to ignore the inevitable! #
- Quick someone send me a TP to a place with good music to ring in the SL New Year. 🙂 #
- I will not take it as a bad omen that both SL and Twitter froze simultaneously at 12:01AM PST. #
- @meerkatje laugh! Thanks and buenos noches! =) #
Jan 08
DynaFleur opens Jan 5th
My very good friend Douglas Story has collaborated with some of the best artists in SL, including Desdemona Enfield, Dizzy Banjo, and Poid Mahovlich, to create a wonderful new art installation opening on January 5th. If you like seeing art that is only possible in virtual worlds, check out the DynaFleur opening this coming Saturday and visit a previous piece called “Chambers and Landscapes” hosted here in the Chilbo Museum Center.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Chilbo using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Jan 08
Kiva: Micro-Lending Non-Profit Coming to SL
Just the other day I watched a PBS Frontline episode about Kiva, a micro-lending non-profit that uses the web to connect lenders and borrowers. Individual lenders can see pictures and stories of loan applicants, choose which projects to fund, and track the borrowers progress on loan repayment. Even small dollar amounts can have a tremendous impact and as one lender said in the PBS segment, if their business fails or they don’t repay the loan, it’s such a small amount that I just consider it a donation. If they do repay the loan, then I can lend that money out again and feel like I am helping make a difference in someone’s life.
I thought to myself, now this is a model that makes sense, I need to add this to my list of charities to check out for 2008, and then lo and behold I see that they will be opening an office in Second Life next week!
I’ll try to find a slurl the next time I’m in-world, but the office will be opening on the Non Profit Commons island on plot #23.
Jan 08
Thank you Eloh Eliot! Free Full Perm Skins in Several Shades!
Recently I posted about the difficulty some students had finding Second Life skins in a range of skin tones and I said I would publicly and personally thank any skin designer who contributed some freely available african, latino, or asian skins to the SL community.
I received a wonderful Christmas present of two different sets of full permissions skins from Molly Montale that fit the bill, and then a few days later someone alerted me to Eloh Eliot’s free skins available at Another shop, Lippert (73, 185, 179).
Eloh Eliot’s skins rock!
Even more generous, Eloh makes the PSD files available so you can learn about skin modification and design if you are so inclined.
Now, Prokofy made a couple of good points that I want to acknowledge, 1) that by doing so much handholding, I am robbing newbies of part of the joy of discovery that SL provides and 2) that giving them freebie, quality skins undercuts the business of those who specialize in african, latino, and asian skins.
These are fair points that deserve some consideration and I’ve been thinking about it since Prok posted. I’m not sure what the solution is yet, but I appreciate the challenge to consider the effects of my actions, and in the meantime, I am thankful to Molly and Eloh for making other options available to the wider SL community.