- Pet peeve: The name of the company is LINDEN LAB – NO S. Not sure why I care, but it drives me nuts. #
Dec 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-13
Dec 07
duckyfresh in the holiday spirit
duckyfresh dancin madness at The Diva’s holiday party 2007.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Edloe using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Dec 07
Diva Dancin Dervish
No one parties like the Diva!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Edloe using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Dec 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-12
- SL peeps and educator types, pls welcome @veritasvariscan!! YAY YOU"RE FINALLY HERE. 😉 #
- At Virtual Bali Climate Change Overflow site: http://tinyurl.com/2jceka #
- Rep Markey just started speaking. #
- My furnace is making weird clunky noises. #
- @kjarret Just came back up from the basement, still cursing. 😉 #
Dec 07
Demo of Virtual Realty Rooms
Stephane Zugzwang demos the virtual reality rooms available for educators to use. Very nice!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Land of Lincoln using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Dec 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-11
- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb’; #
- I see that some kitty cat was twittering in my absence. Oops! Note to self, don’t leave cursor on IM window when afk. #
- @mariana_66 Beanie is sleeping on top of the monitor looking innocent. The tweet was series of bbbb’s. Coincidence? I think not. 😉 #
- @LenEdgerly Why did they pick such a horrific name? 😉 #
- Spking of horror, read this report about US reading habits from NEA: http://www.nea.gov/research/ToRead.pdf #
- One of my favorite SL artists of all time is on twitter! @stellacostello hi! #
- @RavenPhoenix Give me one sec to drop in, think I have some. #
- @RavenPhoenix Already done dear, have a good day! 🙂 #
- @RavenPhoenix Doh! Will try again.. #
- Oh CRUD. How did I miss that SL was down today? ARG #
Dec 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-10
- Metanomics session on entrepreneurship and journalism in SL, in world and at http://slcn.tv #
Dec 07
NESIM IV – Example of Citation
An excellent example of academic citations in Second Life, next to posters detailing medical procedures in the NESIM demo sim.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Cousins Pau using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Dec 07
The tour guides have agreed to do a quick run through for those of us who were late – how kind!!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Cousins Pau using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Dec 07
NESIM Tour at NMC Teacher’s Buzz
Came in late, but checking out a demo for a medical training sim.. Looks excellent!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Cousins Pau using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]