Fleep and Cybergrrl Oh sharing a toast to Rolig Loon’s store opening – don’t we look like lovely twins in our new dresses!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Elysian Isle using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Dec 07
Sa Roligt Opens!
Dec 07
BugLab Gadget
Now this is something interesting. I don’t know what to call it other than a gadget, but I can see how something like this might be fun to play with.
Dec 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-02
- Feeling disoriented this morning, it’s rainy and drizzly and I can’t quite wake up. But Caleb’s post resonates: http://tinyurl.com/2ekagn #
- Also tried to check out Windlight FirstLook and it crashes immediately upon start. Bummer. #
- Watching Mal and TaraYeats live webcast http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/1465 #
- Reading NYTimes article about "Friending" http://tinyurl.com/2crc7p #
Dec 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-12-01
- Thinking utterz is kind of weird, finally looking at it, made a test, not sure what to think about it yet. #
- Also watching the vid about the AmazonKindle thanks to @LenEdgerly. Wonder if I will ever pay $400 for a toy. #
- AmazonKindle e-reader video: http://tinyurl.com/38vvrh #
- @MikeESSDACK My 1st thought – cheap college txtbooks! 2nd – No way, they’ll still charge too much. 😉 #
- Ok, the utterz test worked! Chain reaction: phone call -> utterz site -> blog -> tweet -> god what next. #
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-30
- Yelling @spin http://tinyurl.com/23jyby about twitter #
- Reading about emergent democracy http://tinyurl.com/yw2tot #
- @LPT Will keep an eye out for Oso, will send him a note when I SLog. 🙂 #
- Virtual Citizenship Symposium streaming live: http://tinyurl.com/2x95w5 #
- @erricrice Have safe flight, sorry was crabby yesterday. <3 😉 #
- Virtual Citizenship Symposium back online, webstream http://tinyurl.com/2x95w5 #
- The nation as an imagined political community, we are participating now in imagined networks #
- Part 1: Packet sniffing – Net sold as tool of empowerment and medium of freedom, breaks down socialbarriers #
- also the normalization of "exhibitionism", hey she mentioned twitter! #
- Net also discussed as a mass medium of control, also makes us completely trackable, but not just state surveillance, also commercial tra … #
- Hong Kong..? Bus uncle? http://youtube.com/watch?v=EsYRQkmVifg #
- Oh goodness, that hong kong video is not in enlish but the subtitles are NOT work safe. #
- @KdeL This is a really good talk #
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-29
- What is going ON with the grid today?? #
- @skydaddy Dunno, everything rezzing slow, got booted, can’t relog, av won’t rez, just plain wonky #
- Well geez, the only Dell laptop that doesn’t have a graphics card on the SL no-no list is the $3-4k one. #
- And for some reason the Dell website is timing out #
- And why on earth would the Dell island in SL not have a simple kiosk for SL optimized Dell machines?????? #
- Fleep is grumpy. And to all you mac people, I say 😛 😉 #
- @LPT Er uh, sorry, I don’t mean to be bashing your stuff, just not having good experience atm. #
- @LPT the XPS systems are outside the budget range. 🙁 #
- Demoing SL on the road, portability is almost as important as performance. Just not seeing good options. #
- @LPT Definitely think SL optimized desktop and laptop package on both website and island would be v.nice #
- @mrtopf Been that way the past few days, no one seems to know #
Nov 07
Culture in Second Life?
A panel moderated by Celebrity Millionsofus discusses whether or not there IS a culture in Second Life, and if so, how it might be different from “real world” culture. Panelists include: VirtualWorldsNews Writer, Cybergrrl Oh, Mega Millionsofus, and Starr Sonic.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Millions of Us using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-28
- Australian Digital Futures Summit is back: http://www.r2.co.nz/20071128/ds-128.asx #
- Current speaker says by 2010, the US will run out of power to fuel our datacenters, energy is bigger threat than bandwidth to digital st … #
- Ah he’s a Dell VP #
- Storage is one of the fastest growing products on earth #
- This is a good talk, recommend it! #
- How do you generate a workface even capable of using the infrastructure we’re building effectively? Good question. #
- @Frans LAUGH! I will hold you to that! #
- @codebastard He may be talking about Dell data centers specifically with their current infrastructure, not sure. #
- Yay, passion for education from the Dell guy! I’m with him on that. #
- Really excellent point, not just a technology problem, or a bandwidth problem, it is as much an education and culture problem. #
- @Robbie_Kiama That was the best presentation I’ve seen so far, glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 #
- I have the hiccups and its driving me nuts. #
- @newmediajim Reactee? http://reactee.com/ #
- @rubaiyat: Hah! That sounds familiar. 😉 #
- SL and education friends, please welcome my good friend @slfarley!! Glad to see you here! 🙂 #
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-27
- Indulged in a large pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, which I never do, and now so hopped up I can’t sit still. #
- @Olando7 I cannot for the life of me remember which uni did that, it’s driving me nuts! #
- Helping support the Australian Digital Futures Summit in SL, webcast at http://www.r2.co.nz/20071128/ds-128.asx #
- @richpalmer We built one of those on our campus island, replica of a real life one near Cincy. 🙂 #
- @richpalmer Muahaha! Only if we can add our undergrads and upgrade to paddles! j/k of course. 🙂 #
- @hmason w00t! Good for you! #
- @mrtopf Depends on the town hall. 🙂 #
- @hmason ?!?! I think "Why shouldn’t we?" is the best answer there is. #