Meeting in front of the new library on the University of Cincinnati Island.
posted by Fleep Tuque on University of Cincinnati using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
UCSLLC Meeting
Nov 07
National Distance Learning Week Event in SL
Veteran Second Life Educators Share Virtual World Vision at National Distance Learning Week Event
“Distance Education on the ‘MUVE’ : A place to go to learn together without leaving home” is scheduled for Wednedsay, November 14th at 6:00 pm SLT/PST at ISTE Island Auditorium in Second Life.
ISTE Island, Second Life (PRWEB) November 8, 2007 — Think virtual worlds are just for fun, games and whimsical escapism? Think again. Innovative educators are developing sophisticated educational environments and conducting serious academic research into the use of virtual worlds in K-20 education. They are “making a difference at a distance.” The International Society for Technology in Education is proud to host a Second Life panel presentation highlighting the work, vision and achievements of three talented educators:
Peggy Sheehy (SL: Maggie Marat) is an ITF/Media Specialist at Suffern Middle School in Suffern, NY. Very active in the district’s teacher technology training program, she is a fierce advocate for the meaningful infusion of technology in education and in 2006 established the first public middle school educational presence in Teen Second Life: Ramapo Islands. After great success with the first group of 400 eighth grade students, Ramapo will serve 1,200 students in 2007. She has presented her work at NECC, EdNet, Tech Expo, NYSCATE, and Tech Forum and will be presenting this July at the Building Learning Communities Conference ’08.
Sarah Robbins (SL: Intellagirl Tully) is a PhD candidate in Rhetoric at Ball State University, the Director of Emerging Technologies for Media Sauce Inc., and the coauthor of Second Life for Dummies. Sarah has been teaching university courses in Second Life for two years. Her research centers on communication mechanics in virtual environments and has been featured in the New York Times, USAToday, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Lindy McKeown (SL: Decka Mah) has been developing online learning communities for professional development and curriculum projects for schools across the world since 1994. She specializes in the application of online technologies for professional learning and uses Action Learning extensively in both face-to-face and online settings. Lindy is currently completing a Ph.D. at the University of Southern Queensland where she is conducting research into 3D online virtual environments for use in professional development. She is the recipient of a Queensland Government ‘Growing the Smart State’ PhD Grant. Her work has been recognized via numerous awards from organizations like the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the Queensland Society for Information Technology (QSITE).
This event will be moderated by Chris Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque), Second Life Ambassador for the Ohio Learning Network and IT Analyst at the University of Cincinnati, and begin with a welcome from Jennifer Ragan-Fore (SL: Kittygloom Cassady), Director, General Membership Program, ISTE. Speakers will each give a brief presentation using voice chat which will be followed by a general Q&A session, concluding with a more personal “meet the presenter” campfire chat (using text) at the beach area adjacent to the ISTE Island auditorium.
For additional information about the event, contact:
RavenPhoenix Zenovka (SL)
ISTE Island Co-Manager
Kittygloom Cassady (SL)
Director, General Membership Program, ISTE
KJ Hax (SL)
ISTE Second Life Docent Program Co-Manager
posted by Fleep Tuque on ISTE Island using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
Newbie Q&A Pt2
Still unpacking boxes.. 🙂
posted by Fleep Tuque on OLN Island using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
OLN Newbie Q&A
Reviewing inventory management and how to open packages on the OLN island at the Newbie Q&A session!
posted by Fleep Tuque on OLN Island using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-11
- Out visiting Dad, it is cold and raining and rather gloomy. #
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-10
- Cats woke up me up at an ungodly hour and I can’t go back to sleep. Happy to see @sorry_afk here! =) #
- Wondering if there is some tool in SL to generate a spreadsheet of group members and last logins #
- Listening to @cc_chapman’s accident hash to hear the Chelsea song. v.mice! #
- Er Very Nice. The n and m are missing from my keyboard. No mice in the house. #
- @ordinal I scoured SL for a preset AO that wasn’t perfect for a stripper. No luck. Had to customize my own. #
- @cc_chapman Accident Hash #112 was fab, loved the Monk, too. 🙂 #
- @grinnpideon My cats did the same thing, lazy bums. How’s the twitter experiment coming? #
- @cc_chapman -singing- everybody needs a robot.. only thing making this tedious cut-n-paste job tolerable #
- @cc_chapman When are you gonna do a radio stream 24/7 that we can stream in SL? #
- @richpalmer Thanks! Will check that out! SL Indie radio #
- @RavenPheonix Yeah, I have to make a report of membership, last login, # of groups, if profile is complete #
- @RavenPhoenix No way to get that data out of SL easily, least not for non-programmer 🙁 #
- @RavenPhoenix So, doing it manually. And bless @richpalmer for something to listen to through it. 🙂 #
- @RavenPhoenix Yes, info from group and ind. profile – as a measure of engagement in SL #
- @RavenPhoenix Thx, I’m in the F’s. =) I’ll get this done if it killz me. 🙂 #
- w00t! Finished report. Yay! #
Nov 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-09
- @lordfly I’m in a bear mood, sign me up #
- Watching the Writer’s Guild Strike video at #
- Reading the Future of Firefox #
- What is UP with all these politician follows on twitter? That’s not bacn, it’s plain old spam. #
- Reading Virtual epidemics may hold scientific promise: #
- @ahynes1 Re: politicians, clearly not the real deal – are you blocking them? #
- @seanpercival SL continents have names! Check out, can visit the map #
- @seanpercival (and if I remember will pass to you when I’m in-world next) #
- Got through this whole paper and now stuck on the last paragraph. No good lexicon for discussing vw’s and gender. #
- Tired of real life, meatspace, physical world, reality, first life, etc for writing about the differences. #
- Woo paper done, glad to get that off my plate, it’s been hanging there nagging me for a month. #
- SL folks pls welcome new friend @grinnpidgeon – hi! 🙂 #
- @skydaddy If she signed up for twittermail then she will see @ replies even if she hasn’t followed you yet. 🙂 #
- The .docx filetype can die any day now. #
- @bryan Thanks for sharing Vector Magic, been looking for that and didn’t know it! #
- @bryan Thx again! I am now PhotoJojo’d. <fear> #
- Down from 315 emails to 159. That’s enough of that for today. #
- Weird SL error: Money transfer denied because the request was stale. #
- @melissa2510 Collection of research about VWs+education on wiki under Resources for Educators #
Nov 07
Chilbo Invaded by U of Oregon Ducks!
Chilbo resident Wainbrave Bernal brought a Flock of Ducks to Chilbo during a workshop, I’ve never seen the sim so packed! After wishing warm welcomes to all the new folks, I grabbed a quick snapshot and got out of the way. Look out Second Life, the Ducks are coming!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Chilbo using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
Bowling Green State U in Second Life
Attending the Grand Opening party for the Bowling Green State University campus in Second Life. Congrats to Bonnie and Anthony and the group for a great campus!!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Bowling Green State using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Nov 07
Blog Posts with Photos from Second Life
As the discussion continues about using Second Life effectively for classes, I am reminded to post about a terrific tool I recently discovered that may be useful in your courses.
Many faculty are asking students to report on their experiences in Second Life, either by writing essays or blog posts, and it can be very tricky and time consuming to take a snapshot, save it to disk, re-size it and convert it to JPG, upload it to Flickr, and then create a blog post about whatever it was that you saw or experienced. If you also want to include a SLurl or link to the location, that’s another step that requires you to flip back into SL to copy and paste the SLurl, etc.
The BlogHUD does all of these steps for the user once it is setup and configured properly. I estimate it saves me maybe 20 to 30 minutes every time I use it, and it makes it very, very simple to keep a “travel log” of your Second Life journeys. I have contacted the creator to see if we might be able to get an educational discount, but have not yet heard back – at the moment the “Pro BlogHUD” costs $900L for each user, but I personally think it is well worth it.
To use the BlogHUD effectively as a travel log tool requires:
– Register for and create a free blog using a supported service – WordPress, Blogger, Typepad, Friendster, LiveJournal blogs are all supported, I personally prefer WordPress –
– Register for and create a free Flickr account –
– Pick up the BlogHUD in-world at:
– Follow the configuration instructions for the BlogHUD at
The initial set up process is a little time consuming, but once you get it working, you can create a post on your blog with a photo snapshot and a SLurl link to the location in about 30 seconds (not including the time it takes to write the text, of course!) and in one single step.
In Second Life, you frame and take the snapshot – choose to send it as a postcard to – and then enter the title and text of your post right within the postcard window in Second Life. Within a few moments, the post appears on your blog and the picture is neatly trimmed and added to your Flickr account for future use.
To see an example of a blog post created this way:
An instructor could set up a single blog and Flickr account for everyone in the course to use, or each student could set up their own site/account. The blog could also be linked from the CMS/LMS and might be a good tool to record student engagement/use.
We haven’t yet implemented this in a course at UC or in our faculty/staff learning community, but I intend to bring it up at our next meeting. I hope to try it out with our learning community first and if it’s successful for group use, then perhaps one of our faculty can try it in a course next quarter. I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes..