Fleep Tuque and Tyken Hightower work on an open source project for the University of Cincinnati Second Life Learning Community.
posted by Fleep Tuque on University of Cincinnati using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Oct 07
Project Work in SL
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-26
- Work email received this week: 697 Personal email: 249 Not including spam and two high scroll listservs. (SLED and Bb-Arizona) #
- (but including bacn, curse that term) #
- @susanreynolds Just jumping on the tail of that conversation, but in world notices do not seem sufficient for sure. #
- @susanreynolds I am still looking for the ULTIMATE SL EVENTS calender and wish someone else would hurry up and make it. #
- @susanreynolds Not publicly editable perhaps, but certainly open to trusted sources. #
- @susanreynolds Probably too long a conversation for twitter, but yep, notice in multiple formats – RSS, email, on the web, tweets, by ca … #
- @spin the problem is there are like 15 different SL google calendars out there, it’s confusing for the newbs #
- @spin Yes – a moderated calendar, with everything, categorized. You spam, you’re out. #
- @spin A subj area I don’t care about today I may tomorrow if I meet a new faculty member interested in SL projects. #
- @spin That assumes a level of sophistication that is not present in a very large population. #
- @spin =) #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-25
- EDUCAUSE venue test went well, connected with @Cos, Paul and Dexter, helped 3 newbs, now CSI! #
- Oh and @wayneporter continues to rock at unexpected moments. 🙂 #
- I’ve never watched this show before, it’s rather gross. #
- @GwynethLlewelyn – I was just thinking the same thing! 🙂 #
- Trying to keep up with adding all the friends I didn’t know used twitter! #
- I have yet to see a bonafide newbie at this entrance spot but I don’t know how they assign the numbers and I’m at 103 #
- @otakup0pe Seems REALLY low, even for any old night of the week #
- @GiffForseti Breathe mate, the grid’s still up and peeps are popping in, good signs. 😉 #
- @fireton I keep trying to answer that question, I dunno. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being great, how bad was the show? #
- It was funny as hell, where does that fit on the scale? I was certainly entertained. =) #
- @Rosalux Yep, just watched it here on the east coast, it’s CSI:NY #
- @corriebergeron Funny what they got right, and funny what they got wrong, and even funnier what they completely made up. 🙂 #
- !@ #
- Ack hate gtalk stealing focus when I’m in the middle of typing. Though this is sort of a #$&%^ morning. #
- A Veodia review re: streaming into SL: http://tinyurl.com/2honhm #
- @nnoakes I usually use Pidgin, but also have twitter set up in my gmail window. Will look at meebo though. 🙂 #
- Already have 13 people on the island two hours before the event #
- @RavenPheonix I’ll tweet if it starts to get too full #
- @RavenPhoenix And I can always boot someone if necessary! =) #
- Man it would help if I could spell today. #
- @seanpercival Flyers, doorknocking in the neighborhood, calling local animal shelters, all good ideas. Poor kitty, hope she comes home! #
- Well my audio completely failed about 10 minutes into the session, but both RL and SL were packed and it went well! #
- Thanks to everyone who helped, attended, and IMd or Tweeted encouragement. 🙂 #
- @cogdog I’ve been following your travels, you must be one tired puppy. 🙂 And thx for stopping by today! #
- Have no idea why EDUCAUSE group is not showing up in search, all the right boxes are checked. #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-24
- Wow just downloaded the onrez browser, griefer attack already #
- @rubaiyat Yes, and within seconds was confronted with goatse. =( #
- @kcreamer dl the OnRez viewer at http://viewer.onrez.com/ #
- It’s been going o for about 5 minutes now, still hasn’t stopped. #
- Griefer attack finally stopped on the sim, hope they’re getting some practice before this evening. #
- @seanpercival ROFL #
- @misc Yeah, that person is someone you don’t follow, but they said something that you’re tracking. #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-23
- Eric McLuhan on SLCN right now – www.slcn.tv if you can’t come to the sim. #
- @deanpence Egyptian art, which may appear primitive, but actually contains.. animations? Not clear yet, just started #
- "We are myth, we are living in multiple locations, multiple times, and multiple dimensions simultaneously." #
- @nnoakes Eric McLuhan, son of Marshall McLuhan, so all related. =) #
- Re: rate of change of technology – if you can’t keep up with the data, look for the patterns. If we’re in a renaissance (McLuhan says #
- we are) and we know it, how does that change our behavior? How should it? #
- @Typewriter Eric McLuhan speaking in SL right now, on slcn.tv too #
- "What is being retrieved in this renaissance? All previous ages." #
- @deanpence I am still trying to grasp it, I think, and understand the nuance. #
- @RoseFarina – Renaissance as rebirth, revival, renewal #
- @kcreamer Good question, I’ll ask it. #
- @kcreamer He says not reflective, but rather participatory.. Not sure if I understood the answer, hopefully this will be archived. #
- URL from McLuhan of his paper – http://media-ecology.org.mx #
- Hosted by http://kennyhubble.com #
- re: multipresence – If the body no longer regulates where your being is, is it obsolete? #
- Is this a sort of god-like-ness? #
- Ack! Sorry for spam, was recategorizing.. #
- Ignoring everything but my checklists, must get some of this stuff completed. #
- Waves @scottswanson – hi new twitter pal! #
Oct 07
Metaverse Mentors Prepare for CSI:NY
Attending a Metaverse Mentors meeting to get more information and prepare for the CIS:NY episode this week. Dirk gave us notecards with plenty of info, let me know if you’d like a copy – just send an IM.
posted by Fleep Tuque on Muddy Waters using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Oct 07
Event: EDUCAUSE 2007 – Hot Topic Discussion: Virtual World…
Just finished setting up the signage and help materials at the venue in preparation for the live-audio event coming up this Thursday, October 25th, at 12:45PM SLT. AJ Kelton (SL: AJ Brooks) from Montclair State University will be moderating a mixed-reality discussion on the future of virtual worlds in education.
To register: EDUCAUSE 2007 Second Life Event Registration Page
Come join us!
posted by Fleep Tuque on Annenberg Island using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-22
- delicious is not cutting it for me, neither is google notes – what’s a good web based free bookmark organizer? #
- @baba Ok, now don’t I feel dumb. =) I didn’t know google bookmarks existed. Thx! #
- About to attend a talk with Eric McLuhan in SL, starts at 5PM SLT: http://tinyurl.com/ypca4t #
- @pfanderson Slow loading primarily, and I don’t find the tag clouds as helpful as hierarchical ordering for broad topics #
Oct 07
Eric McLuhan in SL
Noted author Eric McLuhan is this week’s guest at Kenny Hubble’s Media Ecology weekly seminars. He’ll be discussing egyptian art forms and his research that shows they defy the stereotype of being primitive or rudimentary. Looking forward to it!
posted by Fleep Tuque on We the Living using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]
Update: Download Eric McLuhan’s paper at http://media-ecology.org.mx/