- @cspenn Good luck! See you on the other side! #
- @RoseFarina Hi Rose! Great to see you here! 🙂 #
- @Aithene Great pic! Very cool look with the shades on. 🙂 #
- @SinTrenton Missed your tweets the other day, yes I always remember when I meet handsome sailors on the mainland. 🙂 #
- @hmason Good lord, what is this, the 50s? Use pink! Tell em it will get em a good husband! #
- @joikoi Thanks for the link to the audio with Nick n Prok re: VW conf: http://tinyurl.com/2fwgyf #
- And @malburns with an honorable mention in the audio! #
- Not to spam, but this really is a must-listen-to podcast about VWs from Metaversed and Prok: http://tinyurl.com/2fwgyf #
- Good heavens, apologies to @jaffejuice and @gideontv for showing up as a rhino, didn’t realize it was a live event! #
- @jeffejuice @gideontv – I just glanced at the twitter screen, saw the call, and popped over. Woops! #
- I saw @jaffejuice call to "show the power of twitter" asking folks to pop over to crayonville out of the corner of my eye. #
- And I was in the middle of checking out my friend Ryan Snook’s new White Rhino avatar (he builds for Grendel’s avs) #
- So I thought I’d just pop over real quick, without realizing they were doing a live event! Talk about the bull in the china shop! #
- The lesson is, be careful of the power of twitter for live events, you might have a big rhino show up to your live SL event. =) #
- Wolfing down some crackers and cheese for lunch before Podcasting presentation, voting for pres: http://democracyforamerica.com/pulsepoll #
- @donovanpreston Well, nothing, except it was an exceptionally LARGE white rhino. 🙂 #
- @evanhamilton Wha?! Did I miss a sign up? I assume this is for Flock – I want in! I’m a fan! #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-18
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-17
- survived the three presentations yesterday, didn’t even eat dinner, just crashed after the one to korea. awake now, fearing email. #
- Personal email triaged, EDUCAUSE in-world event planning coming along nicely.. now to work email. gulp #
- Hm, anyone know any Criminal Justice faculty involved in SL? #
- Made small dent in huge email mountain. Must prep for SL meeting, lots of new members! #
- Note to web devs: If your splash screen takes 3 mins to load, I’m not waiting to see what’s behind it. -grump- #
- dm foulbastard Hi there! =) #
- Er I keep thinking it’s dm to direct message someone. So that should be @foulbastard instead. =) #
- SL learning community mtg went well, got offices set up, took a group pic, and did some avatar customizing. #
- @cogdog Your blog was mentioned on one of our state mailing lists – man you get around! =) #
- Watching this video http://tinyurl.com/yq4oyp about technology and education – 4:44 mins #
- Doctoral student looking for gay or lesbian study participants for RL/SL study – dm if interested in details. Thx! #
- @joikoi and @sreljic – thanks, I thought it was great too! #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-15
- Making a pot of coffee, contemplating the to-do-list, no panic about the 7 presentations this week. #
- Listening to http://tinyurl.com/2a27bh thanks to @cc_chapman #
- Trying to schedule a presentation with a friend in Korea, the time difference is confusing me. #
- Irritated with PPT, irritated with Exchange, irritated with Photoshop, mad at myself for saying yes too much. #
- WHO in their right mind schedules 7 presentations in one week? WHat was wrong with me? Pardon while I freak out. #
- Also, all these grant deadlines are looming large. And email is killing me. aieee. Ranting twittervent over. #
- @spin No way it took this long for sellout, maybe we’re just hearing about it. #
- @seanpercival Visited landmark spot in SL today, looks good! Mustv redone it since I was there last. #
- Holy #$^%, Philip Rosedale responded to Scalar’s sculptie msg on sl-dev. Go Scalar! #
- (I knew there would be benefit to letting him crash Chilbo all the darned time for his physics engine testing.) #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-14
- Good heavens, I fell asleep on the couch and missed the whole afternoon! #
- @BarbaraKB Hehe, no I think it was the kitty asleep on my chest who twitched her tail across my nose. =) #
- @OnderSkall Glad you found it helpful! Pidgin works with all IM protocols and easy encryption too. #
- @malburns Sorry I missed 2nd half of the show! I conked out for an unexpected nap, doh. #
- Chilbo has graffiti all over, some of it is very good indeed, but slightly annoyed at the tag on the town hall podium. #
- Pondering my SL presentation to the President and Cabinet on Friday. 15 mins isnt much time to explain. #
- How do you shock and awe + explain relevance + convince them it’s good for education in so short a time? #
- @kosso So excited about Twitter integration to BlogHUD! Thx!@ #
- Dr. Huxtable is on TV! (thanks for reminder @newmediajim) #
- @newmediajim Well no, but their comments about children with no fathers resonates across ethnicities. #
- @newmediajim This is maybe the best thing I’ve seen on TV all week. #
- @newmdiajim Nice, talking about media’s effect on these issues, too. #
- @newmediajim The revolution is in their apartment. Wow. #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-13
- @Onderskall I second Ordinal’s suggestion – Pidgin. http://www.pidgin.im/ #
- @malburns Loving this video, thx! #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-12
- @Pistachio I’ve been using http://twittermail.com for a while now, can’t live without it! #
- @GwenethLlewelyn At the Diana Gabaldon event too, sound is ok for me with the volume up. #
- @GwenethLlewelyn She has sort of a scratchy voice, which doesn’t help. #
- "I don’t conjure up an ideal reader in my head and write for them, I write for myself." Good quote. #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-11
- About to check out the new NMC Orientation island, it looks beautiful! http://tinyurl.com/359hfx #
- @BarbaraKB Can you send the link again for the Forrester livecast? #
- Sending a hello to @susny! =) #
- Hello to new twitter friend @darrindickey! #
- Been a while since I played w/ BlogHUD, does it work with Twitter yet? #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-10
- DabbleDB is still one of my favorite web tools evar. See a demo http://dabbledb.com/explore/7minutedemo/ #
- @Pistachio I’m debating between "sneezy" and "hectic" #
- @coolcatteacher In Cincinnati and didn’t even stop by for tea! For shame! 😉 #
- @JeanRicardBroek I’ve found DabbleDB easy to use, simple web forms, I really <3 it. #
- @Rosalux See full report at http://fleeep.net – it was a chipmunk! #
- @Rosalux Yikes! Poor Mica! That sounds painful. #
- @fireton Howdy mate! Region restart took about 10 minutes for mainland sim. #
- TPs are behaving very strangely in SL for me. Keeps sending me to edge of sim, dunno why. #
- Have been building in SL since noon, finally got all the teleport signs working on the UC island. #
- Parceling land is 1/3 done, taking a break from the PC before my eyes fall out of my head. #
Oct 07
Twitter Updates for 2007-10-09
- Hey! @melanied!! Welcome to Twitter! #
- @Prokofy Are you going to VW conf? #
- @prokofy Look forward to your report since I can’t afford their outrageous fees. #
- @LynetteRadio Wow! Good luck! #
- Any SL folks here in twitterland who might consider themselves "conceptual artistic builders"? Line on a proj, dm me. #
- @spin that’s just evil, making us follow you round like that. good thing we like you. 😉 #
- @alizasherman Will drop you a notecard in-world with more details. 🙂 #
- I miss the twitter crowd when I’m out training, I hope you all don’t jump ship for jaiku. #
- Also, need to completely revamp my SL presentation. Tired of same old same old. #
- @deanpence I think it’s roughly the same thing as the answer to "what is the meaning of life?" #
- @deanpence In other words, whatever you think it is, and don’t ask me cause I dunno. =) #
- dm deanpence Can forward you an email if you like, friend of a friend is working on a proj. #
- You guys must have read that msg to @deanpence differently than I intended, I don’t get the alarm. =) #
- @Tad – welcome back! #