Apr 06

Family Pictures

So for quite awhile, I’ve been collecting a mass of pictures from Emmaline (Momo) and Mary and other family members to scan them in, but that project took a backburner to school. I have probably hundreds of images, and each set of three takes about 5 minutes to process, so this is clearly not something I can get done on a Sunday afternoon when I’m also cleaning house. 🙂

But! I got started. Click the “mary random” link and the “emmaline random” link to view the pics.

[EDIT: Don’t order pictures from the order link when you open those photo albums, forgot to change the setting to US, so if you order through that link, it will come from the UK and probably cost a fortune. Doh.]

Mar 06

Back from Ireland!

The trip to Ireland was fantastic! Sure, it was colder than cold. Yes, it rained buckets. But neither cold nor rain nor non-flushing toilets could stop our intrepid travellers from having a wonderful time in a beautiful place. Mother and I navigated narrow roads, made death-defying spins around the roundabouts, and still managed to take a BUNCH of fabulous pictures.

To see all of the pictures and videos we shot in Ireland, click here or click on the Ireland link on the right. It really was the best graduation/30th birthday present ever and my MANY MANY thanks to Mother, Dad, Mary, and Frank for you know what. I love you. =)

Mar 06

Happy Birthday Dad, Kurt, and Jordan!

March Birthday party pictures posted!!

Click the “2006 March Bdays” link on the right to see all of the pictures!

Jan 06

Christmas 2005

Family Christmas pictures posted! Click the “2005 Family Christmas” link on the right side of the page to view the three pages of images.

Dec 05

New haircut!

Eyes closed, oops!

Dec 05

Pictures posted!

So tonight I made a delicious apple pie to put all those darned apples to good use. It’s delish! And while it was baking I managed to get some pictures put up.

Click here to see the pictures of us decorating the Christmas tree at Mother’s house!

And here’s a picture of my mouthwatering apple pie. APPLIE PIE!!

Oct 05

Midterms are killing me!

Ok, they aren’t really killing me, but it’s definitely a lot of reading! Sorry I haven’t written much, everyone. I promise to get Rodney’s going away pictures posted shortly. Will he have net access in Iraq?

Also we have to get the plans together for Thanksgiving – is it at Dad’s this year or in Cincinnati? I can’t remember.

I was so glad to see Briget and Harmony! She gets cuter every time I see her. 🙂

Oct 05

Spackle Pics

Pictures for Dad – This is the kind of spackle I bought – does it look right to you? Call me!

Oct 05

Pictures for Dad

Here are some pictures of the dining room wall that needs to be spackled again.

Click here for picture 1.
Click here for picture 2.
Click here for picture 3.
Click here for picture 4.


Click here for picture 5.
Click here for picture 6.
Click here for picture 7.

Sep 05

Painting the Dining Room

What am I doing the Sunday before classes start? Why, painting the dining room of course! Somehow summer is over and I am just now finishing that particular phase of the project. Doh.

Looking into livingroom.

Looking out to deck.

Messy livingroom.